applicant screening

Elevate your applicant evaluation through dynamic AI-powered screening interviews enabling deeper insights and bias reduction

Efficiency meets  fairness 


Applicant anonymisation
Significantly reducing selection bias


Screening time reduction
Enabling faster shortlisting


Evaluation parameters
Comparable across entire talent pool


Cost savings on screening
From automated screening processes

Less effort, deeper  insights 

Using the latest AI Technology,

Applicants engage in a fully automated, anonymised and personalised screening interview.
Insights are summarised in comprehensive, yet anonymised, profiles, enabling data-driven evaluation based on genuine qualifications without all the noise.

Interview summary including key pointers for in-person interviews

Comparable scores across evaluation parameters for data-driven decision-making

Complete anonymisation enabling comprehensive bias reduction in selection process


So,  how  does it work? 

01Calibrate the interview

Less than 10 minutes to add a job description and calibrate the interviews to fit your exact needs in 3 simple steps before pasting the application link to the job post

Detailed job requirements

100% anonymisation

Relevant evaluation parameters

02Get to know the applicants

After applicants have applied, Fairec analyses their CV against the job description and custom calibration to prepare for a highly personalised screening interview

Previous employment

Educational background

Leadership experience

03Let's chat!

All applicants participate in a dynamic interview, letting them express themselves more freely and in greater detail compared traditional cover letters or screening surveys

Highly personalised

Investigative follow-up questions

Pleasant candidate experience

04Discover applicants' potential

Based on the interview, Fairec summarises applicant insights in detailed anonymised profiles with scores across your custom focus areas

Detailed & anonymised insights

Comprehensive overview

Quick & easy shorlisting

05Narrow field intelligently

Leverage nuanced and anonymised insights to swiftly shortlist top applicants while minimising unconscious bias

Share applicant profiles with colleagues

Invite top performers to interview

Constructive feedback for all applicants


ATS Integrations

Still curious?

We'd love to demonstrate an interview!